Friday, 24 October 2008

So fast the e-literature is changing

As Grigar points out, "one of the most difficult aspects of e-lit is the ability to talk about it fast enough, so fast is the landscape changing".

Since its inception, e-lit has been struggling to free itself from its generic limitations and now seems to be on the verge of doing so. At long last. Although interesting, its early manifestations were hardly groundbreaking. Collaborative narratives are as old as literature itself. Generative poetry simply adds a technological twist to Tzara's hat trick, the surrealists' automatic writing or Burroughs' cut-ups. Interactive fiction has its roots in Cervantes and Sterne. Hypertexts seldom improve on gamebooks like the famous Choose Your Own Adventure series, let alone BS Johnson's infamous novel-in-a-box.

Besides, if you really want to add sound and pictures to words, why not make a film?

Ima High Yellow

Ima High Yellow - What colour are you ?

Tips on how to get to know me better