Saturday, 8 November 2008

Harvard library reconsiders its stance with Google

Google has scanned more than 7 million books for the Google Book Search, and will likely scan millions of other titles in the future.

The service is especially useful for any book titles that are now out-of-print, with all public domain books available to download as PDFs for free. Even though the Harvard library is an original supporter of the project, it seems the $125 million monetary agreement Google reached with book publishers leaves the library frustrated.

The Harvard university let Google scan books that are out of print and no longer copyrighted, but has been hesitant to give the Mountain View, CA-based company full access to its library.The U.S. District Court in New York must finalize the settlement, and university officials said they would reconsider their stance if the court chooses to change the financial agreement for more "reasonable terms," school officials said.

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