Saturday, 27 December 2008

Companion eBook for a paperBook

Author of the upcoming book The Power of Less Leo Babauta offers now a companion ebook that's free to download now.

Thriving on Less—Simplifying in a Tough Economy tells you how to do just that.

The 27-page PDF describes advice garnered from Babauta's own journey from clutter, debt, and scarcity to a simpler, frugal lifestyle that focuses on the essentials and cuts away the extras. Like Babauta's popular Zen Habits blog, this book offers calm, peaceful straight talk that makes the super-busy and overwhelmed think "I want to live like that." Looks like a great preview of what's to come in his print volume, which gets released in four days. Think Babauta's approach is possible in today's world or too idealistic? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Free Ebook: Thriving on Less - Simplifying in a Tough Economy

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