As Web Searchers Increasingly Use Longer Keyphrases, Clever Ebook Gives Copywriters 11 Ways to Include Long-Tail Phrases Naturally
ELGIN, SC - The length of search engine keyphrases continues to grow. Rather than a single keyword, searchers are now using three- and four-word phrases as the standard, according to newly released information in February 2009 by Web analytics-company These increases make the task of writing natural-sounding search engine optimized (SEO) copy increasingly difficult. Now, SEO-copywriter Karon Thackston has a quick-read ebook that details 11 clever and legal ways to include long-tail keyphrases without destroying the flow of the copy.
In the last 12 months, one- and two-word search-phrase use decreased by as much as 5%, while four-, five-, six-, seven- and even eight-word search-phrase use increased by as much as 19%. What does this mean from a copywriting standpoint? Writing with a single keyword in mind is easy. Using two-word terms is a bit more of a challenge. But, when three- and four-plus-word phrases come into play, the risk of sounding stiff and awkward increases substantially.
"The biggest mistake I find search engine optimization (SEO) copywriters and website owners making is attempting to substitute every generic term for a specific keyphrase," recounts Thackston, who has been at the forefront of SEO copywriting for 10 years. She continues, "This makes copy sound very amateurish and clunky. The reason for this repeated mistake is because copywriters and site owners use the keyphrases the same way every time. They don't realize they have other options. There are numerous ways to make SEO copy sound natural."
Thackston's ebook outlines 11 clever and legal ways to use keyphrases of practically any length without sacrificing the quality of the copy. Complete with real-world examples and screenshots, this quick-read ebook is currently in its 4th edition.
If the trend continues as it has in the past, search phrases will get even longer in the not-so-distant future. However, getting creative with keyphrase use is one way to ensure that longer search terms can be used without sounding awkward.
"Writing With Keywords," published by Marketing Words, Inc., is a 37-page ebook available for immediate download online in PDF format for $39 US. For more information or to purchase, visit For media interviews, contact Karon Thackston at 803-438-4088. Contact Information:
Karon Thackston
Email Contact
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Monday, 23 February 2009
Just a single click for ebooks

Austin, TX – Reading a bestseller on the Apple iPhone just got significantly easier.
Two major barriers to eBook adoption collapsed today with the public launch of BooksOnBoard’s new Qik Clik(TM) technology for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
“With this advance, format guesswork and long checkout forms go the way of analog TV, truly making eBooks available anytime and anywhere for iPhone owners,” said Bob LiVolsi, CEO of BooksOnBoard ( Qik Clik(TM) technology gives iPhone and iPod Touch customers a quick, one click checkout experience at BooksOnBoard, and takes only three clicks from eBook selection to download, automatically doing the format selection for them. And registered customers have no checkout forms to complete after their first purchase – no credit card information, no name and address, just a single click.
According to Neelan Choksi, Lexcycle/Stanza COO, “I am very impressed. The BooksOnBoard team deserves a huge amount of credit. They have taken the Stanza catalog format to a new level and greatly improved and streamlined the eBook customer experience.” To access their eBooks, customers must have Lexcycle’s free Stanza application downloaded from the iPhone App Store. “Our Qik Clik technology provides a secure, customer friendly eBook experience on the iPhone and iPod Touch – with the fewest possible clicks,” says Marwan Hassoun, BooksOnBoard CTO. “This is only the beginning. Our eco-friendly technology roadmap will continue to make eBooks easier for customers to access and read. We plan to expand the technology and make it available on almost all mobile devices very soon.”
Harlequin Enterprises Vice President of Digital and Internet , Brent Lewis, said, “We know that more and more readers value the convenience of their mobile device, so BooksOnBoard’s launch of a user-friendly mobile website for iPhone is a timely and welcome addition to eBook purchasing options” Bestselling author Jess Dee reflected the response of many authors when she said, “I’m thrilled to be a part of this innovative venture. Congratulations to BooksOnBoard for the launch of their new iPhone interface.” Jane Porter, acclaimed author of Flirting with Forty, said, "An exciting new way to buy your books today! I’m a fan" Added Renee Bernard, popular author of A Rogue’s Game, “With BooksOnBoard and my iPhone, there isn’t anything else I need to take with me! It’s the best of both worlds and I’m thrilled to have the world’s largest selection of books at my fingertips wherever I go!”
According to Mike Smith, Executive Director of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), the trade and standards association for the digital publishing industry, “It is good news for customers that non-DRM format EPUB titles are also part of the BooksOnBoard offering for the iPhone, allowing readers to experience the interoperability of EPUB between devices and reading applications.” More iPhone instructions can be found here:
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Shopping downloadable eBooks

We are now living in a digitalized era.
With anything and everything going digital, the books are no exemption. These electronic books have made life convenient than ever before. Now anyone can read the any books without going to the libraries. These downloadable books makes reading so convenient that you can get any book with just a few mouse clicks. The ebooks have gained huge popularity through the recent days as they can be retained for a lifetime without any damage. Moreover, the usage of ebooks saves thousands of trees that are cut down for making paper” says Mr. Mac of
Speaking about the features of, Mr. Mac said, “Ninjuh is a one stop shop for shopping downloadable books. The site is designed in such a way that even novice Internet users can download the ebooks that they are looking for with just a few mouse clicks. Readers will find it really easy to search ebooks through Ninjuh. You will be well aware of the fact that Internet is the largest library. However, finding the books that you are looking for in this largest library is a neck breaking job. This is where Ninjuh comes into play. Ninjuh has categorized the Ebooks available all over the Internet and have attached them with appropriate tags so that the surfers can find them with ease. Ninjuh is equipped with the most advanced search technology so that you can find the ebooks by just keying in a few keywords. Unlike other ebook searching sites which need the whole title of the ebook to be known, Ninjuh can find you the ebook with just the keywords. If you are an Ebook writer, you can also submit your ebooks at Ninjuh.”
Speaking about the advantages of Ebooks, Mr. Mac said, “The use of Ebook has many advantages. The main advantage is that online shopping of these downloadable books is very much convenient than heading all the way to a book store for buying them. Buying ebooks will also save a great deal of money. If you are interested in writing you can also earn a great deal of money by writing and selling ebooks.”About NinjuhNinjuh is a new search site to find ebooks, ebook, ebook store, Electronic books, Downloadable books, Shopping, Online shopping And More. With the latest technology of ebook search, shopping ebooks through Ninjuh is just a breeze.
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Thursday, 19 February 2009
According to Jeff Jarvis, there is a new rule now on the web : Cover what you do best. Link to the rest.
Try this on as a new rule for newspapers.
That’s not how newspapers work now. They try to cover everything because they used to have to be all things to all people in their markets. So they had their own reporters replicate the work of other reporters elsewhere so they could say that they did it under their own bylines as a matter of pride and propriety. It’s the way things were done. They also took wire-service copy and reedited it so they could give their audiences the world. But in the age of the link, this is clearly inefficient and unnecessary. You can link to the stories that someone else did and to the rest of the world. And if you do that, it allows you to reallocate your dwindling resources to what matters, which in most cases should be local coverage.
This changes the dynamic of editorial decisions. Instead of saying, “we should have that” (and replicating what is already out there) you say, “what do we do best?” That is, “what is our unique value?” It means that when you sit down to see a story that others have worked on, you should ask, “can we do it better?” If not, then link. And devote your time to what you can do better.
In the rearchitecture of news, what needs to happen is that people are driven to the best coverage, not the 87th version of the same coverage. This will work for publications and news organizations. It will also work for individuals; this is how a lone reporter’s work (and reputation) can surface. We saw that happening with the Libby trial and Firedoglake’s liveblogging of it. As Jay Rosen said at our NPR confab last week — and I’ve heard this elsewhere — theirs became the best source for keeping up on the trial. Reporters and editors knew it and were using it. So those same reporters and editors should have been sending their readers to the blog as a service: ‘We’re not liveblogging it, but they are. We’ll give you our analysis and reporting later. Enjoy.’ That is where the architecture of news must go because links enable it and economics demand it.There’s another angle to this: News is not one-size-fits-all. We don’t get all our news from one source anymore. We get bombarded with news all around us. So we all knew that Anna Nicole Smith was dead (or, in Jack Cafferty’s immortal words, still dead). So that means that not every newspaper needs to cover that story in depth.
It certainly means that The New York Times needn’t. So why did the Times devote considerable space and reporting and editing talent to the Anna Nicole story this week? They added nothing more to the story. It’s not what they do best. At the least, if they felt they really needed to cover it, they should have used the AP. Online, they certainly should have just linked to the many, many other sources that are covering it. And then the paper could have used its resources for news that matters and news that they can do uniquely well.
So why did they do it? They didn’t want to be left behind. They perhaps even didn’t want to seem snotting (as if the Anna Nicole story were below them and their readers). But that’s not the issue. Making the best use of their resources and talent it. They need to take advantage of the link.
Newspapers are getting more comfortable with linking out even to competitors. This takes it farther. It says that the best service you can perform for yourself and your readers is to link instead of trying to do everything.
And once you really open yourself up to this, then it also means that you can link to more people gathering more coverage of news: ‘We didn’t cover that school board meeting today, but here’s a link to somebody who recorded it.’ That’s really no different from saying after a big news event, ‘We weren’t there to take pictures, but lots of our readers were and here they are.’So you do what you do best. And you link to the rest. (Jeff Jarvis)
That is the new architecture of news.
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Try this on as a new rule for newspapers.
That’s not how newspapers work now. They try to cover everything because they used to have to be all things to all people in their markets. So they had their own reporters replicate the work of other reporters elsewhere so they could say that they did it under their own bylines as a matter of pride and propriety. It’s the way things were done. They also took wire-service copy and reedited it so they could give their audiences the world. But in the age of the link, this is clearly inefficient and unnecessary. You can link to the stories that someone else did and to the rest of the world. And if you do that, it allows you to reallocate your dwindling resources to what matters, which in most cases should be local coverage.
This changes the dynamic of editorial decisions. Instead of saying, “we should have that” (and replicating what is already out there) you say, “what do we do best?” That is, “what is our unique value?” It means that when you sit down to see a story that others have worked on, you should ask, “can we do it better?” If not, then link. And devote your time to what you can do better.
In the rearchitecture of news, what needs to happen is that people are driven to the best coverage, not the 87th version of the same coverage. This will work for publications and news organizations. It will also work for individuals; this is how a lone reporter’s work (and reputation) can surface. We saw that happening with the Libby trial and Firedoglake’s liveblogging of it. As Jay Rosen said at our NPR confab last week — and I’ve heard this elsewhere — theirs became the best source for keeping up on the trial. Reporters and editors knew it and were using it. So those same reporters and editors should have been sending their readers to the blog as a service: ‘We’re not liveblogging it, but they are. We’ll give you our analysis and reporting later. Enjoy.’ That is where the architecture of news must go because links enable it and economics demand it.There’s another angle to this: News is not one-size-fits-all. We don’t get all our news from one source anymore. We get bombarded with news all around us. So we all knew that Anna Nicole Smith was dead (or, in Jack Cafferty’s immortal words, still dead). So that means that not every newspaper needs to cover that story in depth.
It certainly means that The New York Times needn’t. So why did the Times devote considerable space and reporting and editing talent to the Anna Nicole story this week? They added nothing more to the story. It’s not what they do best. At the least, if they felt they really needed to cover it, they should have used the AP. Online, they certainly should have just linked to the many, many other sources that are covering it. And then the paper could have used its resources for news that matters and news that they can do uniquely well.
So why did they do it? They didn’t want to be left behind. They perhaps even didn’t want to seem snotting (as if the Anna Nicole story were below them and their readers). But that’s not the issue. Making the best use of their resources and talent it. They need to take advantage of the link.
Newspapers are getting more comfortable with linking out even to competitors. This takes it farther. It says that the best service you can perform for yourself and your readers is to link instead of trying to do everything.
And once you really open yourself up to this, then it also means that you can link to more people gathering more coverage of news: ‘We didn’t cover that school board meeting today, but here’s a link to somebody who recorded it.’ That’s really no different from saying after a big news event, ‘We weren’t there to take pictures, but lots of our readers were and here they are.’So you do what you do best. And you link to the rest. (Jeff Jarvis)
That is the new architecture of news.
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Savings with e-books

The economy is in the tank, and people are looking to cut costs any way they can. An Amazon Kindle pays for itself after the purchase of 20 or 30 books, then starts paying dividends. You save big on books, magazines and newspapers. These savings will grow even more attractive as the recession deepens !
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Licensing models: razors and blades

The problem with eBooks remains the content, and its licensing models.
Bookworm is a nice open source reader, but the question remains how big is its book library, and what are the terms under which you access the material?
The Amazon Kindle has found a niche because Amazon makes certain that channel is filled, with the books people want to read. Despite this success only 500,000 of the original Kindles were sold.
Compare that to the number of human readers and it’s clear that eBooks remain at the very front of the demand curve. We’re still with the gadget freaks and the hobbyists, not the mass market.
Before the mass market grabs any eBook reader, whether open source or not, the business model has to become acceptable to book readers, and comparable in value to real books. These eBooks must also become ubiquitous, as real books are.
The short version is we’re still focused on the razors, when we need to look at the blades.
Dana Blankenhorn has been a business journalist for 30 years, a tech freelancer since 1983. See his full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.
Email Dana Blankenhorn
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Amazon Kindle 2

Amazon is excited to introduce Amazon Kindle 2, the next generation wireless reading device.
With a sleek and thin design that makes Kindle 2 as thin as a typical magazine and lighter than a paperpack, the new Kindle has seven times more storage and now holds over 1,500 books. It has a longer battery life and faster page turns. An advanced display provides even crisper images and clearer text for an improved book-like reading experience. And Kindle 2 even reads to you, with “Read to Me”, our new Text to Speech feature.
With Kindle 2 we kept everything readers love about the original Kindle—the convenience of reading what you want, when you want it, the immediacy of getting a book wirelessly delivered in less than 60 seconds, and Kindle’s ability to “disappear” in your hands so you can get lost in the author’s words. We’re also excited to announce that the Kindle Store has over 230,000 ebooks available.
You can earn 10% in referral fees on Amazon Kindle 2! To link to directly to Kindle 2 and earn referral fees on the subsequent following purchases, use the following link format.
Let your readers know that Kindle 2 is available for pre-order starting today for $359 at and will ship later this month . We also have a wide variety of Kindle accessories available, including new covers from Cole Haan, Patagonia, and Belkin and more.
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Saturday, 7 February 2009
Google and iPhone
Like reading on your mobile phone?
Well, Google just added 1.5 million books to your library, with the launch of a new mobile site that optimizes the text of Book Search’s public-domain (i.e., non-copyrighted) works for reading on your iPhone or Android device.
There are some drawbacks to the site right now. For one thing, since all of the texts consist of printed pages that were scanned using Google’s optical character recognition technology, there are inevitable errors — but if the text doesn’t seem right, you can view the scanned page itself. For another, you won’t be able to read any of the latest bestsellers, and by “latest” I mean anything from the last century. Finally, the iPhone interface doesn’t hold a candle to other iPhone eBook readers like Stanza — there’s too much vertical scrolling, and it’s hard to flip back and forth between pages. (Actually, Stanza-maker Lexcycle’s Neelan Choksi told me the company might sell versions of Stanza to which companies can add their own branding and content. Maybe Google should look into that.)
Basically, this is perfect if you happen to be “buying your postage” (to quote Google’s blog post) and want to read “Moby Dick.” Which happens all the time, right? Yeah, okay, so I’ll probably stick to reading shorter stuff on my phone, like the articles in my Google Reader.
Still, the fact that Google bothered to create this site is another sign that smartphones are becoming a viable format for eBook reading. The new version of the Kindle may not be threatened anytime soon, but as these applications get better, I think that’s going to change. I don’t need both an eBook reader and a smartphone anymore than I need an iPod and an iPhone. (Yes, I know some people have both, but they’re crazy.)
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PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Kindle as a real success
Amazon sold 500,000 units of its Kindle ebook reader last year and could be on track to generate a $1.2 billion business from the device by 2010.That's the view from Citigroup analyst Mark Mahaney. He's delved deep into the latest SEC filings from mobile operator Sprint, which has an EV-DO network used by Amazon to download content to the Kindle device.
Amazon has yet to say officially how many Kindles it has sold and will only say publicly that it's pleased with uptake.Mahaney's revenue figure is based on the public adopting Kindles at a similar rate to the very early days of Apple's iPod, with people buying at least one digital book a month.Last week rumours circulated that Amazon is going unveil version 2.0 of its ebook reader on February 9th.
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Amazon has yet to say officially how many Kindles it has sold and will only say publicly that it's pleased with uptake.Mahaney's revenue figure is based on the public adopting Kindles at a similar rate to the very early days of Apple's iPod, with people buying at least one digital book a month.Last week rumours circulated that Amazon is going unveil version 2.0 of its ebook reader on February 9th.
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Words are things

With the development of print, Western culture moved even further away from a hearing dominated sensory world to one governed by sight.
More than writing, "print suggests that words are things" says Walter J. Ong's in his book Orality and Literacy. With the interiorization of this view writing/printing was no longer done with the intent to recycle knowledge back into the spoken world (as it was in, for example, Medieval university disputations); things were no longer necessarily written in order to be read out loud.
In addition, print embedded the word in space more absolutely than did writing . Through print, words become things that can be arranged on a page as they are in indexes, tables of content, lists and labels (an extreme example being the arrangement of w ords in the poetry of e.e. cummings).
Finally, Ong suggests that print encourages closure, a feeling of finality that was never present in, for example, oral storytelling.
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Ebooks with freebooks only
Electronic books (ebooks) are becoming more and more popular with Brits, says Hitwise.
Research by the company, which monitors trends on the Web, revealed that searches for the digital devices such as the Sony Reader and the Amazon Kindle, which allow users to read books in an electronic format, have increased by 100 percent since January last year.
The Sony Reader was the most-searched eBook, closely followed by Amazon's Kindle, which is not currently available in the UK, the Iliad and the Cybook.
Hitwise research director Robin Goad: "Searches have followed similar patterns in the US and UK. Interest has been building since September 2008 and there were peaks in November and December in the build-up to Christmas".
Goad also revealed that UK ebook users were keen to get their hands on free files to use on the devices.
"As you would expect, eBook searches are always on the look out for free stuff and the second-most popular search including the term 'ebooks' is 'free ebooks'."
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
Research by the company, which monitors trends on the Web, revealed that searches for the digital devices such as the Sony Reader and the Amazon Kindle, which allow users to read books in an electronic format, have increased by 100 percent since January last year.
The Sony Reader was the most-searched eBook, closely followed by Amazon's Kindle, which is not currently available in the UK, the Iliad and the Cybook.
Hitwise research director Robin Goad: "Searches have followed similar patterns in the US and UK. Interest has been building since September 2008 and there were peaks in November and December in the build-up to Christmas".
Goad also revealed that UK ebook users were keen to get their hands on free files to use on the devices.
"As you would expect, eBook searches are always on the look out for free stuff and the second-most popular search including the term 'ebooks' is 'free ebooks'."
Download ebooks on - See that post with different algorithms in metabole - See the journal French Metablog with today different posts -PHONEREADER Library - - Jean-Philippe Pastor
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