Amazon is excited to introduce Amazon Kindle 2, the next generation wireless reading device.
With a sleek and thin design that makes Kindle 2 as thin as a typical magazine and lighter than a paperpack, the new Kindle has seven times more storage and now holds over 1,500 books. It has a longer battery life and faster page turns. An advanced display provides even crisper images and clearer text for an improved book-like reading experience. And Kindle 2 even reads to you, with “Read to Me”, our new Text to Speech feature.
With Kindle 2 we kept everything readers love about the original Kindle—the convenience of reading what you want, when you want it, the immediacy of getting a book wirelessly delivered in less than 60 seconds, and Kindle’s ability to “disappear” in your hands so you can get lost in the author’s words. We’re also excited to announce that the Kindle Store has over 230,000 ebooks available.
You can earn 10% in referral fees on Amazon Kindle 2! To link to directly to Kindle 2 and earn referral fees on the subsequent following purchases, use the following link format.
Let your readers know that Kindle 2 is available for pre-order starting today for $359 at http://www.amazon.com/gp/r.html?R=3A8MF42032MW4&C=PR7WP9DIS7C5&H=8gUxsPuYyXDP925VA6Omo9mvFuIA&T=C&U=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00154JDAI/ref%3Dpe_1130_11277190 and will ship later this month . We also have a wide variety of Kindle accessories available, including new covers from Cole Haan, Patagonia, and Belkin and more.
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